The Danny Rule: How to lower rents and improve housing in San Diego

Fellow San Diegans,

San Diego is having a housing and personal finance crisis with increasing rents, student loan debt, medical debt, and diminishing affordable housing. Many San Diego residents are desperate for relief.

As a candidate for City Council, I have a proposal that will help end this crisis in San Diego by lowering rents, helping people drowning in debt, and therefore improving our community. I call this proposal The Danny Rule.

The Danny Rule will create an incentive for landlords to lower rents and keep them frozen for 5 years in exchange for a tax credit that will pay for the rent decrease. The tax credit would be offset by a creating a small tax on Short Term Vacation Rentals (STRVs).

The tax credit will be 100% voluntary. If a landlord does not want to lower the rent on his property, he doesn’t have to. But those who do lower their rents will get a tax credit.

Why will The Danny Rule work:

1. By lowering rents, San Diego residents will have additional income to pay for goods and services in San Diego, thus benefiting San Diego communities.

2. Lower rents will keep residents in San Diego and may attract more people to live permanently in our great City, thus reinforcing the city’s finances through sales taxes and consumption.

3. San Diego is the fourth city with the most Short Term Vacation Rentals in the country. A small reasonable tax on STRV's will allow the sharing economy to continue benefiting San Diego residents while at the same time making sure the STRV industry helps San Diego residents in having more affordable housing.

Unlike my opponents, I do not believe in prohibitions. I believe in the use of economics and incentives to solve problems and benefit the people of San Diego. Our biggest problem is not some minor street issue that can be fixed relatively easy. Our biggest problem is our people can’t afford to pay rent because they are drowning in debt and rents are climbing faster than wages. That is what I plan to fix as a member of City Council by promoting The Danny Rule.

I humbly ask you to join me and support The Danny Rule. This is the best chance we will get to bring change to San Diego for the benefit of its residents without prohibitions thus bettering the lives of everyone.

If you would like to join me, please vote for me in the Democratic Primary in 2018. If you would like to help me make The Danny Rule a reality, share this information with all of the people you know in District 2, which encompasses the beach communities of Pacific Beach, Ocean Beach, Point Loma, Mission Beach, Bay Ho, Bay Park, Midway Area and a part of Linda Vista. I have included a link in order to make a contribution. Please join my campaign and together we can!!!

I also invite you to write and get in touch with me. I would love to hear your point of view on the issues that affect our community. Together, we will succeed in fixing our most pressing problems.


Daniel “Danny” Smiechowski--Candidate San Diego City Council District 2



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